MHS Dodgeball ONLINE!

History of the MDL

History of the MDL
Weekly Dodgeball News
Rules and Regulations
The Regulars
Game Chronology

The MDL:  Where winners are declared, and losers are hit with rubber balls.

It was a cold winter that year of 2004.  Marlborough High School was in chaos.  Gangs ravaged the halls, and political unrest threatened to cause a violent uprising.  Many believed that poor leadership and corruption was the source of this.  For the past two years the schoool was split into two sides; the more traditional loyalists, and the liberal movement.  While these two groups claimed to be allies, there were tales of espionage from one side to another, infiltration, and even the possibility of a full out war.  Such a fight would devistate the school, but this was the least of either sides worries.  Each believed they were completely right in their beliefs, and relationships worsened.  The powder keg exploded on Nobember 12th, 2004.  The more aggressive liberal movement claimed that they were taking back the art hallway for the people, claiming that the loyalists unrightfully claimed the territory several years before.  The loyalist lord of this hallway instructed all men to fight to the death, and the entire force was massacred.  Neutral hallways B and C were outraged by this attack, and quickly joined the loyalist forces in their quest to return order, and the more radical business hallway sided with the liberal movement, claiming the aristocracy is outdated and must be destroyed.  Economic failure ensued as either side cut off all trade relationships with the other, and the people suffered as all resources were put into the war effort.  The loyalist forces won several early battles, but as time went on a stalemate occured with heavy casualties for both armies.  On December 7th, a small convoy of supplies was being sent to the loyalist forces, and was met on the MHS tennis courts with a suprise attack by liberal guerillas.  The loyalists sent a large force in to protect the supplies, imperative to the war effort, and the bulk of the liberal army was sent in to meet and destroy loyalist forces.  both sides entrenched themselves and the most bloody week of the war.  I knew something needed to be done, and something needed to be done fast.  Waving the white flag of peace I charged into no mans land, and god seemed to be on my side every shot missed me until the armies realized I was no enemy.  I placed several dodgeballs down, and sprinted away as fast as I could for my own life.  A curious soldier with the loyalists walked out of his trench and inspected one of the dodgeballs.  A liberal soldier had the same idea, and when he arrived the enraged loyalist instinctivelythrew his dodgeball at the liberal as hard as he could.  Upset by this cheap shot the liberals charged and the loyalists charged to meet them, and there insued the greatest dodgeball game of all times.  To celebrate this great event of peace, we have played every Wednesday since.  Seriously, I don't know where I got the idea to start the league.  I can't believe you read that entire story...


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